e-Notice Board (Recent Notices only)
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General Notice
General Notice
Notification of Chairperson
Office Order 192 @ Grievance Redressal Sub Committee
Order of Revised HRA-27%
Grant of status of Centrally Funded Institutes of MoE to IIIT PPP
RTI Details
Admission Notice
Admission Notice
List of Selected Candidates for Admission to Executive M.Tech. Program 2024 (Advt. No. IIITK/M.Tech/24-25/54 dated May 16, 2024)
B.Tech Admission Brochure(2024)
Admission Form 2024(.docx)
Admission Form 2024(.pdf)
Annexure 7
List of Candidates and Interview Schedule: Admission to Executive M.Tech Program 2024 (Advt. No. IIITK/M.Tech/24-25/54, dated May 16, 2024). Interview link will be notified over email very soon.
Corrigendum for Extension of Application deadline against the Advertisement for Executive M.Tech Admission 24-25
Advertisement for Executive MTech Admission 24-25
Download Application form for Executive MTech Admission 24-25 (.doc)
Ph.D Notification
List of Selected Candidate_PhD Program Spring 2024-25
Corrigendum for PhD Admission_2024-2025 Spring Semester
Advertisement for PhD Admission_2024-2025 Spring Semester
/Application Form(
Student Notice
Student Notices
Download Fee Notification (PDF)
Advertisement for Engagement of Clinical Psychologist
Advertisement for Non Faculty Position on Contractual Basis
Application form
Provisionally Shortlisted and Not Shortlisted Candidates for Non-Faculty Contract Positions
Advertisement for the post of JRF SASVI
Application form
Advtertisement for engagement of Cook
Advertisement for JRF/SRF (CSE) Position in a Research Project
Application form
Advertisement for the post of JRF MLTAT
-> Application for the post of JRF_MLTAT
Advertisement for the post of Guest Faculty
-> Application for the post of Guest Faculty
Advertisement for the post of JRF (ECE)_Walk-In-Interview
-Application Form (doc)
-Application Form (pdf)
Advertisement for Student Internship
Advertisement for the post of JRF DSTBTWB (Walk In Interview)
-Application Form (doc)
-Application Form(pdf)
Advertisement for the post of JRF_DSTBTWB
-Application Form (doc)
-Application Form (pdf)
Advertisement for the post of JRF AIFOG
-Application Form (doc)
-Application Form (pdf)
List of selected candidate for summer internship (Project: ‘Cyclone Intensity and Track Prediction using Deep Learning’)
Advertisement for the post of Project Associate-II [C2S, MeitY Project]
-Application Form (doc)
-Application Form (pdf)
Advertisement for Internship (CSE/Physics) Position in a Research Project (‘Cyclone Intensity and Track Prediction using Deep Learning’)
Advertisement for Internship (CSE/Physics) Position in a Research Project (‘Long Short Term Memory based Neural Network Approach for Prediction of Wintertime Fog over Northern India’)
Shortlisted candidates list for Junior Assistant Finance
Shortlisted candidates list for Junior Assistant General Administration
Corrigendum for Extension of Application deadline against the Advertisement for the post of JRF_CDDES
Advertisement for the post of JRF_CDDES
Corrigendum against the Advertisement for the post of JRF CDDES
-Form (doc)
-Form (pdf)
Advertisement for the post of Junior Assistants (On Contract)
-Form (doc)
-Form (pdf)
Advertisement for the post of Assistant Professors (On Contract)
-Form (doc)
-Form (pdf)
Advertisement for the post of JRF_AIFOG
-Form (doc)
-Form (pdf)
Corrigendum for Project Associate
Advertisement for Project Associate for positions under CS2, Meity Project
-Application Form (PDF)
-Application Form (DOC)
Advertisement for the post of JRF PQCSA
Advertisement for Non Faculty Positions Junior Technician(On Contract), Library Assistant (On Contract)
Final list of Shortlisted candidates after representation for the post of ‘Registrar’
Shortlisted candidates for interview for the post of JRF for the project 'Cyclone Intensity and Track Prediction using Deep Learning'
Shortlisted candidates list for the post of Assistant Registrar (On Contract)
Advertisement for JRF (CSE/Physics) Position in a Research Project (‘Cyclone Intensity and Track Prediction using Deep Learning’)
-> Application Form
-> Application Form(PDF)
Advertisement for the post of Junior Technician
Shortlisted candidates name for project VLSI(C2S, MeitY)
Corrigendum against Advertisement for the post of Junior Technician
Provisional Final list of Shortlisted candidates after representation for the post of ‘Registrar’
Advertisement for Project Associates
Application form
Advertisement for Non-Faculty Positions-Assistant Registrar(Contractual)
Application format - Assistant Registrar
Shortlisted candidates list for Registrar
Advertisement for Junior Technician (on contract) for Communication/Signal Processing Laboratory
Junior Assistant(Form)
Advertisement for the post of JRF for DRDO (CAIR) sponsored project
Download PDF Form for JRF [DRDO (CAIR) sponsored project]
Download DOC Form for JRF [DRDO (CAIR) sponsored project]
Shortlisted candidates for Caretaker (On outsourcing basis)
Advertisement for the post of Registrar
Application form for the post of Registrar (Doc)
Application form for the post of Registrar (pdf)
The list of shortlisted/not-shortlisted candidates for the post of JRF for the DRDO sponsored project Code: IIITK/SRIC/CAIR-DRDO/22-23/3/PQCSA
Shortlisted candidates list for Junior Assistant (Finance) (On Contract)
Tender for Catering service in Convocation